Atomic Number 33


  1. Atomic Number 333
  2. Atomic Number 33 Codycross
  3. 6.88 Grams Of Arsenic To Mass Percent
Atomic Number33
Atomic Mass74.9216 atomic mass units
Number of Protons33
Number of Neutrons42
Number of Electrons33
Melting Point817.0° C
Boiling Point613.0° C
Density5.72 grams per cubic centimeter
Normal PhaseSolid
Origin of NameFrom the Greek word 'arsenikos' and the Latin word 'arsenicum,' meaning yellow orpiment
Date and Place of DiscoveryIt's been used since ancient times, but the first recorded use was in 1250 when Albert the Great, an alchemist, heated a compound containing arsenic.
Discovered byAlbert the Great aka Albertus Magnus
Common Compounds
  • Arsenic acid (H3A5O4)
  • Arsenous acid (As(OH)3)
  • Arsenic trisulfide (As2S3), a yellow mineral used as a pigment.
Interesting facts
  • It and all its compounds are poisonous.
  • It can contaminate ground water which is what occurred in Bangladesh (see articles).
Common Uses
  • Poisons, such as insecticides
  • Electrical conduits
  • Semiconductors
  • Bronzing
What is the element with the atomic number 33

Photo Courtesy of
Chemical Elements
Jefferson Lab
Web Elements

What is atomic number 33Atomic Number 33Atomic number 33 electron configuration

Atomic Number 333

Atomic Number: 33 Atomic Mass: 74.9216 amu Melting Point: 817.0 °C (1090.15 K, 1502.6 °F) Boiling Point: 613.0 °C (886.15 K, 1135.4 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 33 Number of Neutrons: 42 Classification: Metalloid Crystal Structure: Rhombohedral Density @ 293 K: 5.72 g/cm 3 Color: Gray Atomic Structure. A very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar.

Atomic Number 33 Codycross

Atomic Number 33

6.88 Grams Of Arsenic To Mass Percent

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