Zen In A Sentence

Yes, zen is in the scrabble dictionary

Zen zone in a sentence - Use 'zen zone' in a sentence 1. He produced the shows Shape Up (Fox Latin), Shop the World (SCG), Zen Zone (Sportv) and Hollywood News in 3D (Sky and Orange).

..and is worth 13 points.

  • Zen in a sentence 1. She became interested in Zen Buddhism. 'How should I know?' Zen snapped back. He's not apologizing to me, Zen realized. The teachings of Zen were encapsulated in short statements. My dad doesn't go a bundle on Zen either.
  • The first zen commandment: do one thing at a time. Doing one thing at a time is.

1.Extremely relaxed and collected.

2.Pertaining to this denomination of Buddhism.


1.A denomination of Buddhism. Fifa 2006 world cup cd key.

Is Zen Capitalized

2.A Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation.

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Zen Sentence Examples

Use Zen In A Sentence

Her chilled, zen personality was especially helpful in stressful situations.0 | 0 |
While planning their trip to Japan, Kate made sure they had time to visit a Buddhist Zen garden and meditate.0 | 0 |
The fitness instructor led her clients through a zen style of yoga, creating a calm, peaceful environment.0 | 0 |
With two children and a hectic job, a state of zen was seemingly impossible for Janet.0 | 0 |
This form of mansion underwent little modification until the 12th century, when the introduction of the Zen sect of Buddhism with its contemplative practice called for greater privacy.0 | 0 |
* The following sentence examples have been gathered from multiple sources to keep up with the current times, none of them represent the opinions of Word Game Dictionary
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